Seven Senses is a digital magazine delivered as a newsletter that explores reality through our senses.
Every week, a curated list of recommendations is published which includes:
a visual recommendation
exhibit - film - book
an auditory invitation
music - podcast - nature
an olfactory experience
botanical - food - alchemy
a culinary suggestion
art - recipe - specialty food
a tactile play textures - nature - objects
a contemplation
mindfulness - guided meditations
a symbolic vision
poetry - art - creative imagining
On the full moon, a new topic is explored in depth with stories that merge the personal and universal.
Seven Senses is reader-supported publication, free of ads and algorithm.
Paid subscribers receive:
Present Sense
A weekend curation for your 7 senses — something to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, balance and envision.
Editions also include guided audio meditations – to help us slow down, notice the world around and within us, and become more present in our lives.
Travel Guides
Explore new destinations with Seven Senses travel guides, with 7 recommendations for each of our senses.
Journey to Mexico City, Paris, New York, the French Alps and the California Coast.
Special Series
Access to special editions and audio interviews, such as the Friendship series.
Analog Surprises
Once in a blue moon, I send analog gifts in the mail, such as these Custom Astrology Cards, the Anniversary Zines and Mini-Zines.
First Access
First access to Seven Senses events and workshops.
Blue World
Diving into the Rarest Color
Meeting, Loving, and Losing your Heroes
My Word Affair with Tom Robbins
Seeing Reality As It Is
10 days of Silence | Present Sense N.29
The Theater of the Absurd
Catching Big Fish with David Lynch
Invisible Hands Help
The Wisdom of Hilma af Klint
Community Care
Finding Hope in Crisis
Merry and Trippy Holidays
A Sprinkle of Magic Dust
Passion or Workaholism?
Present Sense № 27
Making Mistakes
And Moving On | Present Sense № 26
Art as Sustenance
Present Sense № 25
The Sound of Silence
The Calm within the Storm
A Gift for You (and me)
Birthday Zine Vol.2
A Word Becomes a World
Celebrating 2 Years of Seven Senses
The Goldilocks Syndrome
Present Sense № 24
Famous Anonymous
“It is a joy to be hidden and a disaster not to be found.”
Creative Soulmates
The Friendship Series | Episode 4: Collaborative Friends
Just Friends?
The Friendship Series | Episode 3: Gender in Friendships
Found in Translation
The Friendship Series | Episode 2: Cultural Friendships
The Greatest Love...
Introducing the Friendship Series
The Body as Referee
Score: 3 - 0
Ceçi N’est Pas une Pipe
Present Sense № 23
“Fear is Excitement without the Breath”
Present Sense № 22
Beautiful Monsters
Navigating Art and Morality
Secret Sea Sanctuary
A Travel Guide to my favorite place
Moving Beyond the Bumble Brag
Shine without Shame
Spot it? Need it.
Present Sense № 21
Green-Colored Glasses
When imagination becomes reality.
Everyone Has a Plan Until…
Present Sense № 20
Cloud Tears
Present Sense № 19
Tasting Color: a Seven Senses feast
The GREEN edition
Ripe on Time
"We bloom and bloom again."
Desert Bloom & Howling Moon
Present Sense № 18
Screenless Sunday
Present Sense № 17
Ars Poetica
The Art of Poetry: Earthly and Divine
New York, I love you but...
A Travel Guide for your Seven Senses
Spin the Bottle, Roll the Dice
Present Sense №16 | An Adventure with Destiny
A Haircut Can Save a Life
Present Sense № 15
“To embrace the whole sky with the mind”
A Mini Zine
How to Make Love Stay?
Present Sense № 14
Invisible Threads
Present Sense №13 with Anna Brones
Wiggly Consistency
Creating habits, releasing rigidity
Ichigo Ichie
Present Sense № 12
Fast & Slow
Present Sense № 11
Cosmic Game
Present Sense № 10
Home, Seek Home
A Compass to Belonging
The French Alps
A Travel Guide for your Seven Senses
Kissing Ram Dass
Present Sense № 9
The Value of a Gift
Present Sense № 8 | DIY Gift Guide
We Contain Multitudes
Discovering Our Selves
Genuine Gratitude
Present Sense № 7
The Triangle of Happiness
Present Sense № 6
Joy or Perfection?
Present Sense № 5
Art in an Emergency
Present Sense № 4
Phantom Muse
Inspiration from Beyond
Weathering Storms
Present Sense № 3
Mouse Melon & Monkey Mind
Present Sense №2
Shedding Skin, Starting Anew
Welcome to Present Sense №1
Paper Pixels
A Sensory Birthday Zine
Mexico City
A Travel Guide for your Seven Senses
Money! Money! Money...?
The Cost of Creativity
Beyond the Sun,
Amongst the Stars.
Myth & Math
Ancient Astrology for Modern Times
Fail again. Fail Better.
The Art of Failure
The City of Light
A Paris Travel Guide
Solstice Journeys
Equinox Destinations
Taste the Rainbow
The Sweetest Illusion
A Matter of Moments
The Gift of Grief
Nature Harmony
Finding Balance, Planting Seeds.
Everything is a Remix
What's Original?
What's Love Got to Do with It?
More than an emotion... a spiritual practice.
Measuring the Infinite
The Concept of Time
Making Sense of Ourselves
Discovering our seven senses
Hidden Gems
Coming Out of the Shadow
Got a Moon Room?
Honoring the lunar cycles
Trust Issues
Leaning into Creative Faith
May our Pixels Meet
Manifesto by Seven Senses